Notice & Take Down

Omdat Notice & Take Down-klachten door iedereen kunnen worden ingediend is de informatie op deze pagina in het Engels. Neem eventueel contact op met NederHost voor meer informatie.


The form on this page can be used to submit a complaint about materials hosted on a NederHost server. NederHost applies the Notice and Takedown Code of Conduct.

  • Use the form on this page to submit your complaint
  • Only forms that have been submitted completely and truthfully filled out will be processed.
  • You will receive feedback from NederHost as soon as possible, but in any case within 10 business days.
  • The offending party will be informed of the complaint, and may be asked to contact you directly.
  • NederHost may need to consult with legal counsel before taking a decision.

Reporting party

The name of the organisation you represent, if applicable.

Please provide your direct phone number.

Offending material

Enter the URL(s) of the material your complaint is about and/or provide a description of how the material can be found:

Action called for

Basis for complaint

In case of possible child pornography NederHost cannot legally determine whether the complaint is correct and will forward your report to EOKM. Please consider filing your report directly at Meldpunt kinderporno.

Provide a brief explanation of the complaint:

Contact with the offending party

Has any attempt been made to approach the party responsible for uploading the materials?

Provide the justification given by that party for not taking any action:

Provide the reason for not contacting the offending party:


Emergency report

Provide a reason for treating this report as an emergency: